Q&A: A Client's Perspective on AI in Therapy


For our founding blog post, we interviewed a client who volunteered to share their journey with therapy, and their perspective of how Artificial Intelligence fits into it. To us, this is a very special post—There is no more important topic than the human connection in therapy. In order to share their story candidly, they have asked to remain anonymous. We hope their perspective leads others to share their journeys as well.

Q: What was your reaction when you first learned about AI being used in therapy sessions?

A: When I first heard about therapists using AI in sessions to listen to our conversations, I was very skeptical. As someone who's been in therapy on and off for almost 10 years, the idea of bringing AI into this deeply personal space raised some concerns. It felt surreal, especially considering how quickly these new tools are being introduced in our everyday lives, let alone in the healthcare industry.

Q: What considerations came to mind regarding AI in therapy?

A: My primary consideration was privacy. In an age where data breaches make headlines and targeted ads seem to read our minds, I wondered how I could be sure that my most intimate thoughts and feelings would remain confidential. I also thought about the role of human therapists and how AI might impact that. A one-on-one conversation with my counselor is incredibly valuable to me, and I wouldn't want to lose that personal connection.

Q: How did your perspective on AI in therapy evolve over time?

A: I took a step back and thought about all the ways I use AI in my daily life to save time and run my life and work more efficiently. I realized that if AI can help me manage my calendar, sort my emails, and help me figure out the best way to respond to emails, it could potentially enhance my therapy sessions too. I also learned that human therapists aren't going anywhere, and many AI tools are simply being used to help therapists with their workload, which made me feel good. After all, my therapist deserves to take care of themselves and their workload too.

Q: What factors do you think are important when introducing AI into therapy?

A: Transparency is crucial. My openness to AI in therapy hinges on my therapist's clear communication. As long as she explains the tools and how they could make our sessions more effective, I am willing to give it a try. I've been seeing her for almost two years, and I genuinely believe she has my best interests at heart. I also think that AI companies in the healthcare space should make their privacy standards readily available and easy to read on their websites for clients. That can only help build trust and understanding.

“As long as she explains the tools and how they could

make our sessions more effective, I am willing to give it a try.”

Q: What are your thoughts on privacy in AI-assisted therapy?

A: Therapists are already bound by strict HIPAA regulations to protect client privacy. Surely, those same protections would extend to any technology integrated into our sessions. This realization, combined with the transparency from my therapist and the AI companies, has helped alleviate many of my initial privacy concerns. It's reassuring to know that there are established protocols in place to protect sensitive information.

Q: How has the integration of AI affected your therapy experience?

A: After learning more about AI in therapy and the privacy measures in place, I've come to see how it can make a positive impact on the therapeutic journey. AI tools offer exciting possibilities for enhancing mental health care, making it more effective and efficient. They've helped streamline some aspects of my sessions, allowing my therapist and me to focus more deeply on important issues. However, it's important to note that AI complements, rather than replaces, the human connection at the heart of the therapeutic process. Our mental health journey is deeply personal, and I appreciate that the AI tools respect that fundamental truth. With an approach that prioritizes trust, transparency, and privacy, AI has enhanced my therapy experience in ways I didn't initially expect. It's opened up new avenues for insight and progress in my mental health journey.

“It's important to note that AI complements, rather than replaces, the human connection at the heart of the therapeutic process.

Our mental health journey is deeply personal, and I appreciate that the AI tools respect that fundamental truth.”

