Getting Started With Opal

Learn the basics on how to get the most out of Opal, and start managing your first client in two minutes.

5 Minute Read

The Basics

Opal works by individually tracking the progress of your clients over time, and writes all of your required documentation. The more you use Opal with a client, the more you can learn about them.

While Opal can do much more than just write documentation, we will focus on the basics to get started.

First Look

Your full client list appears on the right hand side of your dashboard.

Your Dashboard

Your dashboard is divided into two parts, on the left is your action pane and on the right is your data pane.

Action Pane (Left)

Your action pane is where you can create new sessions for clients and more. It is always active, no matter what page you are on in the data pane.

Data Pane (right)

Your data pane is where you can view and mange information in Opal, like clients, recaps, sessions, chats, and more.

Creating Your First Client

Let’s create our first client in Opal to track their treatment progress. Click the New Client + button to add them.

The New Client Pop Up

Here, you can enter info about your new client. Providing their real name means less editing in your final notes, since Opal will use their name in the documentation. Providing their pronouns can make Opal even more accurate, further reducing editing time.

Finally, you can provide their email which will be used in the future to:

  • Automatically send and manage their consent

  • Send them a unique link to interact with Opal

  • Identify them automatically in Zoom sessions

Your new client should now appear in your Clients list.

“Subscription Required” Error

If you get an error saying a subscription is required, ensure you are either on a free trial or a paid plan. Creating a new client will require an active subscription. You should see the following pop-up in this case:

This will bring you to Stripe where you can manage your billing. If you still need help, reach out to us at

Capturing Your First Session

✦ We recommend starting with Dictation for your first recording instead of a full session recording, so you can get started right away.

Adding a new session starts with either a recording, provider note, or both.

If you take hand written notes, you can paste them here to make Opal more accurate. You can create a full session with Provider Notes alone, or as a complement to a session or dictation recording.

To start, select your new client from the drop down under Session Info.

Recording Dictation

Dictation allows you to informally recount what happened during a session without worrying about formatting.

You can start a new dictation by clicking Record. When you are finished, click Finish to finalize the recording before submitting it.

More On Audio Capture

  • The dictation transcript will be added to the Provider Notes for the session, and you can always edit it later.

  • You can pause recording at any time by clicking Pause. You can then resume recording at any time.

  • You can change the type of recording (Session/Dictation), and Client even after you finalize the recording, any time before you submit it.

  • The waveform animation will indicate if your microphone is properly picking up audio, ensure you have selected the right microphone in your browser.

Recording A Session

Ensure both you and your client are audible to your microphone when using the passive recorder. For instance, by not using headphones. In the meantime, we’re working on much better session capture without this limitation.

You can capture full sessions up to 80 minutes using the same recorder as dictation. Simply move the selector to Session under the Session Info card.

✦ You can use and reference your data pane (right) freely even during recording. The left action pane (which contains the recorder) works independently from the data pane.

✦ The Submit button will enable once a recording and/or provider notes, and Client are selected.

Reviewing Results

Once Opal has analyzed a session, that session will appear under the Client’s profile page.

Opal builds a private knowledge-base of your client to uncover insights that no other system can. We’re working on features to help you tap into this knowledge-base even further.

Progress Note Quick Copy

You can quickly copy a progress note without opening the session view by clicking this button.

Session Status

You’ll know Opal has finished analyzing a session when you see a green dot by that session’s time. It usually takes about 2 minutes to analyze a session. You don’t need to keep Opal open while this happens.

  • 🔘: Analysis in progress

  • 🟢: Analysis successful

  • 🔴: Analysis error (open the session view to see error)

  • ✅: Provider has marked the session as reviewed

Your Client Recap

Opal will create an updated recap of where your client is at in their treatment after every interaction with them. This helps you prepare for your next session.

Reviewing Sessions

Clicking on a client’s session will reveal the Session View. Here, you can view Insights, Progress Notes, Provider Notes, and Transcripts.

Add insights by clicking a text box and pressing Enter to add it to the list. Remove them by clicking on the insight chip.

Each progress note section can be copied and edited individually.

Scroll to reveal the Provider Note and Session Transcript.

If you don’t see any output or don’t like the generated output

You can regenerate the outputs like insights and progress note for a session by clicking Try Again.

This will overwrite any edits you have made.

Customizing Names And Templates In Notes

You can customize how Opal writes documentation and other settings in your Settings Menu.

You can also access your Stripe Billing Dashboard here to manage your subscription.

Getting Help

You can securely contact us anytime from your dashboard by clicking this button and describing the problem. Someone from our founding team will be in touch ASAP.

✦ You can also contact us anytime at:

We Hope You Enjoy Using Opal

We have many more exciting features to come, and we invite you to check out our Feature Roadmap on your dashboard.

We love hearing your feedback and feature requests, and you can let us know about them anytime at: